Holler HELLLO! Max here from
the bike shop, aka, Brooklyn Bike Y Board, and most certainly of the
FastYFierce Cycling Squad. brought-ed by s
tompariLLAZ . I Just wanted to thank all those who wrote their emails on the wall.Thanks! The prospect, as it were, of the future we're riding towards, well you know what I'm trying to say.. so bright U gotta wear shades.. Aaanyway, I'm a bit delirious, finished yet another rigorous 4 day work week by working from Monday morn around 9 - through the night asleep on the work bench at some point and through Tuesday till 4.. WHeeew, I love it here.
So here's the ten second plan. BByB- 12Week OpenParty Thursday March 12th from 7-11 in the noche. Everyone is invited! BROOKLYNBIKEyboard will have been open for 12 weeks, and we're hoping to meet and greet some FastYfiercerZ.
After that FastYFierce will begin group ride protocol. Sunday Morning stretching + yogafy, then ride bikes around prospect park for starters. Shootin' the breeze as it were, someday we'll really get somewhere for sure, WHooHOO! Single speed pace setting for simple consistency, (any bikes/drivetrains welcome), with front and rear ride captainZ making sure no one goes missing.
Fridays in the future will be another long day at the bike shop with hours from 9-6 w/ fearless leader BDonk leaving it in the capable hands of the creative mechanics from 7-11 or something, anyway we're not quite sure, but that's when we'll start working clinics into the agenda, gonna be sweet.
We'll decide at the party, what a reasonable time for FastYfierce to meet, 10? 11? the crack of noon? Maybe we should just not sleep on saturday nights then ride! They say the darkest hour, is right before the dawn, nice time for biken'!
So it is about as gloriously winter-y as we're likely to experience here in lovely BrKLYN, and the riding is fantastic, if you're into that sort of thing. Let me say, that my motives for starting a cycling squad, The FastYFierce LadieZ and StaffPoloPonyz, vice versa and so forth, is that I'm of the mind that anyone so inclined can learn to ride whenever, wherever, and however they like, safely, well, and Fast-Y-fierce! OR something.. Anyway lots of people have helped me to realize that goal and I continue to ride comfortably and happily all the time. FastYfierce seems like the way I can help people here and now to get RAD!
We're having the time of our life at the shop, picking things up, spinning them around, occasionally riding out and about. Getting organized. We also happen to be preparing for our once in forever opportunity to RocK our 12WeeK OpenParty- 3.12.09 7-11pm
You all are most honorably invited as FastYFierce Special SomeoneZ, and you're also invited to get down on the preparation.. Allow me if you will, to paint a little picture.
Thursday March 12th- Shop Hours 9-6 PARTY 7-11 11 pm depart for scenic tour of ProspectPRK! Grilling through the evening with a (1) grill master so far. (we could use some sweeter grill options though) Then I will follow through on my intention to play the whole of the FastYfierce Soul Album, "Dead on Arrival", (double lp glow in the dark vinyl) After which the Great and Glorious Scandinavian Half Breeds will play, and at 11 we'll depart for a bike ride. Hopefully we can get some tunes playing, boomboxes anyone?
Monday March 9th is the initial traditional Creative Mechanic ORganizing Evening where Scott and Myself keep all the BByB interns in line working on projects and stufff. This Monday the project is gonna be pre-party 12Week SCrub! Anyone who wants can come by and get involved, say hi, hours undoubtedly Late, like sunrise.
Then the night before the party we'll probably continue with the scrub, and hopefully set up some stuff for the grilling, (vegi grill & meatgrill), dial the dance party stereo and the layout for the Scandanavian Half Breeds, who are also subsequently invited to stop by anytime so we can contemplate the band layout, (since we haven't built the mini ramp / stage yet).
As y'all undoubtedly can see, I am a touch hyper hypo, but never fear, with proper rest and nutrition any of us can accomplish anything, and with slightly less of the aformentioned rest and nutrition we as a SQuad can definatley get anything done, like have the raddest & baddest, bike shop/bike squad/polo ponyz/and dance party, in all the land!
Thanks, feel free to holler at me, any ideas, bright, questioning, otherwise, please do max (at) brooklynbikeandboard.com
thanks goo-night Max